Our lack of understanding does not come from a stubbornness to "not know", it comes from an ignorance of direction. "Wisdom does not give you understanding, She gives you the Way to understanding." (Rami Sharpio)
Where there is a misunderstanding, there is a missed way of being. To be Wise is not to be full of knowledge. To be Wise is to be full of space, time & direction. Wisdom does not keep you stuck in a whirlpool of stubbornness and pride. For Wisdom is not a pool, She cannot be contained in such a manner. If you are stuck in a whirlpool of pride, you need to get out of that pool and get Wisdom. Wisdom is the current of the water and the water itself. You cannot separate the two. Wisdom says, "Do not fight my current. Rather, turn around and be drawn by it."

I've been feeling inspired to write about Wisdom with the essence of how Rabbi Rami Sharpio writes of Her in his book, "The Divine Feminine In Biblical Literature." I could summon my own unique way of translating Wisdom[and maybe someday I will], yet, I deeply resonate with how She appears to Rami in his annotations. God often describes Wisdom to me in the same nature. I feel akin to the way she is spoken of in actual Biblical text as well--there is a similar, poetic flare to both Rami's descriptive way of Wisdom and how the writers of the Bible spoke of Her, and how I hear Her speaking to me. I guess it is sufficient to say, "If this is how Wisdom wishes to express herself, then who am I to reinvent Her?"
With that being said, allow me to break down what Wisdom broke through for me this week. 1. Our lack of understanding does not come from stubbornness to not know, it comes from an ignorance of direction. This is to say: when we have a moment of opposition with another or within ourselves, we often assume it is from a lack of understanding. We call it a "misunderstanding" but Wisdom tells me that there is only a misdirection & miscalculation presently missing. This does not mean "turn around and agree with the other." It does not mean, "Fight to make the other person turn around and go your way." Instead, it is a calling to "turn your response to it around and take another route." 2. Wisdom does not give you understanding, She gives you the Way to understanding. Where there is a misunderstanding, there is a missed way of being. To be Wise is not to be full of knowledge. To be Wise is to be full of space, time & direction. In other words, all wisdom comes from space, time & direction. It does not matter what path you take so as long as on any path you take, you do not fight her current. "All her paths lead to peace." (Proverbs 3:17) 3. Wisdom does not keep you stuck in a whirlpool of stubbornness and pride. For Wisdom is not a pool, She cannot be contained in such a manner. If you are stuck in a whirlpool of pride, you need to get out of that pool and get Wisdom. We ignore Wisdom at the cost of our own stubbornness and narrow mind. Wisdom will cost you everything you once knew to be true but her wealth is more abundant than gold. It is the spacious mind that will resolve conflict and abide by peace. It is the spacious mind that will receive the most. When engaged with our inner or outer conflict, we are choosing to walk in a narrow hallway, with the walls closing in. Wisdom shows you the way to the most spacious room in the house. Here, in space, there is no separation, no "other." 4. Wisdom is the current of the water, and the water itself. You cannot separate the two. Wisdom says, "Do not fight my current. Rather, turn around and be drawn by it." Wisdom asks us to surrender and allow ourselves to be led to conflict resolution. Rather than create more conflict and exhaust ourselves fighting the current, She desires for us to rest from the fight and deepen our awareness within. When Jesus said, "Repent"--he meant, "Turn around" -- he meant, "Follow Her way."
To make matters light and humorous, whenever I feel like I am choosing to be stuck in the "whirlpool" instead of getting out and getting into Wisdom's ocean, I remember that song, "Total Eclipse Of The Heart."
I started silently singing to myself...
"Turn around, bright eyes...
Turn around, bright eyes..."
I find Her way because I know that it will lead me into the "totality" of my heart and my eyes will be "stunned" by her light! Thank you for reading and have a beautiful, blessed day!
